Charlie Gilkey is a brilliant strategist and author who’s written an excellent book titled Start Finishing. The book helps creatives, entrepreneurial types, and professionals finish what they start. The book lays out practical advice for everything from managing project logistics to fending off procrastination. In this chat, Charlie and I talk about how to create work that matters.
Behind His Brilliance: Tenacity and Generosity
Say hi to Charlie on Twitter: @charliegilkey
CHARLIE GILKEY | Author, Start Finishing
Charlie Gilkey helps people start finishing the stuff that matters. He’s the founder of Productive Flourishing, author of the forthcoming Start Finishing and The Small Business Lifecycle, and host of the Productive Flourishing podcast. Prior to starting Productive Flourishing, Charlie was a Joint Force Military Logistics Coordinator while simultaneously pursuing a PhD in Philosophy. He lives with his wife, Angela, in Portland, Oregon.
How Charlie uses philosophy to enrich his life and work
The value of taking a project-based approach to work
Charlie’s perspective on what trips creatives up most often
How to choose your next project if you’re stuck
How to overcome procrastination and self-loathing in the thick of a project
Why reviewing what went wrong AND right during a project is important
Charlie’s perspective on the value of
And much, much more!
Charlie Gilkey
Start Finishing (Charlie’s book)
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